Press Release

A Market Bled White — Ghost Trader Flourishes Amidst the Ashes

Enormous red candles, the market bled white, fear besets the retail space everywhere, regardless of the exchange — this is the current state of the market as January begins its painful slide into February. Just when everyone had begun to breathe a hesitant sigh of relief, that perhaps the worst had passed, the bottoms of the S&P 500, Bitcoin, and the altcoin market fell out yet again yesterday. This has almost entirely dashed any hopes of a quick cryptocurrency recovery, and the broader markets are starting to awaken to the possibility of a secular bear market.

If Robert Prechter, the infamous Elliot Wave theorist himself, is to be believed, that is exactly what we currently face. Worse still, he portends further drops yet to come. He believes that we are entering not only the beginning of the end of the extended 14 year bull market that began in 2007 at the bottom of the stock market, but potentially the much longer bull market reaching all the way back to the nadir of the market in 1929.

Bitcoin continues to indicate that it is in the throes of a dead cat bounce. The equities market, having broken a long trendline of support a while back, continues to pour salt into the wound. Precious little remains to give hope to the beleaguered, battered, and broken. The spirit of the retail investor is all but shattered, as evidenced by the digital asset fear and greed index.

Despite all of this, as with all crashing markets, some projects rise while seemingly all others fall. Some possess the constitution, the robustness of design and strength of idea, to persist and persevere and even flourish despite the expansive carnage. Such is the case with Ghost Trader.

The Ghost Trader called it all. Despite all the tentative hope that the market would correct, that we might see a return to form that we all had been lulled into expecting as the norm, he saw this newest downturn, and predicted it. Like a hardened, expert seamaster himself, he saw the state of play and planned accordingly.

This project will remain and prosper despite the peril, as it has proven already. The Ghost Trader and his team continue to generate consistent and impressive rewards for its contributors. The flotsam and jetsam of the markets are but opportunities for the Ghost Trader to show his mettle while retail and professional traders alike rend their proverbial flesh and gnash their teeth in fear and uncertainty gripping the market. His almost unparalleled credentials, hard-won successes, and a track record earned performing at the absolute highest levels over a period of 35 years stands as testament to what will come to pass amid the pandemonium.

Screw your courage to the sticking place. The seas will remain deadly. Place your trust in the experience of our team. Be sure to stay tuned to this space moving forward for updates and further deeper explanations of the Ghost Trader project. In the meantime, we invite you to check out our official Ghost Trader website, join us either on Telegram or Discord, and follow us on Twitter.

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