Press Release

MadHeroes, the Next Big Thing in the NFT Market

NFTs have gained tremendous popularity in recent years, which can be attributed to several factors. The thought of owning a unique digital piece of art drives maximum users to it, in addition to the fact that NFTs are a great investment option. We have witnessed NFTs selling for as high as $91 million, and their value continues to rise. And the introduction of MadHeroes, a unique collection of well-crafted NFTs, at this point will definitely create an aura in the market.

The MadHeroes NFT collection comprises 2,000 unique NFTs, each with distinctive characteristics, skills, traits, and weapons. You can mint these during the Pre-Sale to be held at 1 PM BST on July 26, 2022, and the Public-Sale event scheduled for 1 PM BST on July 29, 2022. During the Pre-sale, the MadHeroes NFTs would be available for $195, while during the Public-sale, the price would increase to $260. So, make sure to acquire as many as possible during the first sale to earn a decent profit.

What’s the story behind the MadHeroes NFTs?

Having a creative background story is critical to the success of the project and for its further expansion. MadHeroes collection consists of Heroes trying to find a planet that could sustain life. Some have formed alliances in their quest, while others remain enemies. But, all of them have the same goal, to find a planet for their people to thrive and prosper. And they have found a series of planets far away from theirs that have everything they had been looking for, but would things be as smooth? Only time will tell!

                                    Alathea, Leader of the Space Fleet

Developed on the Ethereum blockchain, MadHeroes plans to create an ecosystem surrounding the NFT collection. A game with NFTs as characters is under development, along with an in-game currency that would facilitate transactions on the ecosystem. The game would revolve around heroes trying to settle people by building towns and cities, securing a regular supply of food for the population, mining precious resources stored underground, and acquiring tools. 

Besides the option to play games and be a part of the community, users who acquire MadHeroes NFTs would receive rewards and NFT merchandise. You can participate in the regular events held on the Discord server to get white-listed and be amongst the first to mint the MadHeroes NFT. Also, an individual can mint a maximum of 20 NFTs per wallet. It ensures equal opportunities for all and helps build a diverse community.

So, what are you waiting for? Get yourself white-listed today, acquire the MadHeroes NFT during the Private-sale, and become an integral part of the MadHeroes ecosystem.

To find out more about the MadHeroes NFT collection, its story, and the team behind its development, visit the official website:

Also, follow MadHeroes on all social channels to stay updated with the recent developments and sales.





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