Press Release

Making Money In The Metaverse

Picture by QQS

The metaverse is simply explained as a universe where users can exist, doing everything they can in real life and more – behind the mask of the virtual world. Users can play games, socialize, and even earn through the metaverse. Living in an online environment isn’t new to most people today, but it’s the concept of being able to earn by building an environment and a life there that appeals to many.

There are several ways to earn in the metaverse, and they will be outlined below.

The first is probably the most popular way – to invest in metaverse tokens. Many who took notice of popular tokens such as BTC and ETH early in the day made a windfall, and could have even already profited a lot before the latest crash. It’s always good to take note of new tokens of promising projects that would be a good investment so you can reap greater returns. A good example of this would be the QQS Metaverse token that has launched recently after selling out its presale, with a pump of over 100x since launch – and trending upwards. Its appeal is multi-fold. To start with, rug-pulls cannot happen as there are no LP tokens available for anyone (read: whales) to disarm, as all LP tokens are burnt and sent to a null address. Next up, they have a strong proposition in their QQ Card – similar to’s credit card, it gives holders benefits both in and out of the metaverse. Holders can Spend To Earn, enjoying the highest rebates in the market; the card behaves like any debit card, but gives holders more emission shares on top of their daily emissions. Lastly, the team is ever-ready to improve themselves: they have a lot of plans coming up, such as an NFT that gives owners more opportunity to earn in various ways, the actual metaverse that gives users power to earn through socializing, playing and more, and a strong community being built up through various social platforms. This is a key example of a project in its early stages that has shown potential, and could be worth taking part in for bigger profits in the future.

Second would be participating in Play-To-Earn games. Many Play-To-Earn games are exactly what they sound like: being able to earn through advancing in the game and interacting within the game. One successful P2E game that has almost become a household name today is The Sandbox, a 3D game where players can build, own, and earn from gaming in this metaverse. Users make meaningful decisions to shape the virtual world they live in. This metaverse has 166,464 parcels of land that can be purchased and built on, so users have a lot of control over the buildings, environment, objects and characters that exist within this metaverse. While The Sandbox existed way back in 2011, it was leveled up by blockchain in 2018, allowing players to fully own their creations as NFTs. Users can create or own unique objects that can be sold for a profit. This can come in the form of creating NFT artwork to sell for more SAND tokens, creating in-world games to earn from, or simply through owning LAND to be rented out or sold. Players can also earn through playing games within The Sandbox or participating in in-world competitions. There are many games out there, but this is one of the popular ones out there with a strong use case and earning power.

Third combines a mix of the first two, which is investing in metaverse real estate. This has been addressed in the above, but doesn’t involve actually playing the game or fully interacting with the metaverse. Similar to buying land in real life for investment purposes because it is finite, you can also purchase real estate within the metaverse to sell as the price increases. Within spaces like Decentraland, The Sandbox, QQS Metaverse and more, there will often be land spaces that users can either choose to build on, or purchase to rent or even sell. This can be a passive income for many investors or a profitable asset to hold and earn from in the future.

With COVID-19 forcing much of the world to be comfortable with living online and blockchain technologies opening up opportunities for users to fully experience, own and even take home and income from these virtual worlds, the metaverse is definitely the place to be in.

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